Adult Swim and Exercise Registration Rules
Phone Number (810) 626-2279
Registration Policy
- All Adult / lap swimmers and Exercise classes MUST reserve a time slot in advance
- We are open Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 6:00am - 1:00pm, Tuesday and Thursday 7:00am - 1:00pm
- You will be able to sign up online on Wednesdays at 3:00pm for the following 2 weeks
- The cost for Adult Swim/Laps is $6.50 for Adults and $5.50 for Seniors
- Exercise classes are $13.50 for Adults and $11.00 for Seniors.
- We also offer frequency cards and memberships to reduce the price of visits/classes
If you have signed up to swim and are unable to attend, please be considerate of others and cancel in the Sign-Up app/website, ideally giving 24 hours notice. Everyone understands that sometimes 24 hours notice is not possible, but those situations should be few and far in between.
If you would like a text message of pool notifications please sign up on our remind app.
Swim Lessons | Adult Open Swim | Exercise Classes |
Text: @swless3
To: 81010
Text: @hhspool2 To: 81010 |
Text: @poolex To: 81010 |