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Hartland Consolidated Schools

Hartland Consolidated Schools
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Reading Recovery

What is Reading Recovery?

What is Reading Recovery?

Reading Recovery is a one-on-one short-term intervention designed to accelerate the progress of the lowest performing first graders. Some students find it hard to learn to read and write for many different reasons. Reading Recovery helps these students become successful readers and writers in a short time, approximately 12-20 weeks.
The Reading Recovery teacher works closely with the child for a half an hour every day providing an individually designed intervention based on the students unique strengths and needs. In this way, the student catches up with classmates quickly and the help is no longer needed.
Reading Recovery students read and write many books every day. The reason Reading Recovery is successful is because of the expertly matched instruction and the large volume of text students read and write daily. 65%-80% of all students reach the average band of their classroom each year.
Hartland Consolidated Schools is pleased to offer this early intervention program intended to prevent future school failure. Hartland is the only district in Livingston County that provides this unique and highly effective intervention for young readers!