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Hartland Consolidated Schools

Hartland Consolidated Schools
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Overview of the Program

Student Nutrition Mission Statement

Student Nutrition Mission Statement

It is the Hartland Student Nutrition Department's mission to provide nutritional meals that will help our students make positive choices and perform at their best academically, physically and personally.
Michigan School Meals

Michigan School Meals

Hartland Consolidated Schools is excited to offer FREE breakfast and lunch to ALL students this school year thanks to the Michigan Healthy School Meals Program!  All school breakfast and school lunch meals will be FREE to ALL students for the 2024-25 school year.  Parents/guardians do not need to fill out an application for these free meals.  Meals will be FREE to ALL students regardless of application status.
These free meals include complete school meals only.  Please remind your student that for a meal to be free, they must choose a fruit or vegetable every time. Each student may only have 1 free breakfast and 1 free lunch per school day.   All students will continue to pay for ala carte items, second servings and ala carte milk.  Students can only get 1 milk free when it is part of a complete meal.
Even though meals will be provided for free, it is important for families to continue to fill out free or reduced meal applications if they think they may qualify. An approved application may allow families to received additional assistance.  This assistance may include reduced fees for athletics, clubs & community education, local food assistance, holiday meals and support, field trip support, school supplies, utilities support, reduced testing fees, college admission fee waivers and more.   This also allows our schools to receive full access to federal and state funding for educational programs that our students are entitled to.  
If you have additional questions, please call our Student Nutrition office at 810-626-2868.
Other Services

Other Services

We also offer a catering service for breakfast, luncheon meetings, staff meetings, student banquets, and  workshops. Box lunches are available for field trips or field days. Please contact 810-626-2868 for more information.


Hartland Consolidated Schools Student Nutrition Department
Student Nutrition Director- Lisa Archey
Student Nutrition Assistant/Catering Coordinator- Sandy Enderle
Special Diets Coordinator- Tara Branson
Office Phone; 810-626-2868
Fax: 810-626-2869